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Cardholder Services

Using best-in-class architecture and redundancy back-up systems, MiGS provides a stable and secure payments processing environment for merchants and banks.

The Service Level Agreement (SLA) target for MiGS is 99.50%, with unscheduled outages not to exceed 0.05%

The charts below provide a complete historical record of the MiGS availability track record and the actual number of scheduled and unscheduled outages incurred by the system since September 2005.



MiGS Availability


SLA Target: 99.50% availability, calculated as the number of outage minutes for a given month divided by the total number of minutes in a month. Unscheduled outages should not exceed .05%.
Month Results: 99.986% actual, representing 100% achievement of goal.
Explanation/Action: N/A
Comments: N/A

Month/Year Percentage Total Availability
09/2005 99.898%
10/2005 99.987%
11/2005 99.935%
12/2005 99.940%
01/2006 99.993%
02/2006 99.995%
03/2006 99.998%
04/2006 99.956%
05/2006 99.996%
06/2006 99.998%
07/2006 99.989%
08/2006 99.996%
09/2006 99.986%


Quality Performance Measures

MiGS Availability - Scheduled vs. Unscheduled

MiGS Availability percentage of scheduled versus unscheduled outages. The number of outages and the number of outage minutes are presented.

  Scheduled Unscheduled
Month/Year Total
09/2005 2 2
10/2005 2 1
11/2005 3 1
12/2005 4 3
01/2006 3 0
02/2006 2 0
03/2006 1 0
04/2006 1 1
05/2006 2 0
06/2006 1 0
07/2006 4 1
08/2006 2 0
09/2006 4 1

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